Later we read them aloud and there were so amazing vibes, so I decided to share some...

(Authors: Ģirts, Kollis, Ulla, Māris)
Desmit gari gadi
Trīsdimensiju apokalipse
Kaut mēs visi tā varētu
Ten long years
Three-dimensional Apocalypse
Wishing we all could so
Jauno pumpuru smarža
Vientulība ir fiziska un Tevis nav blakus
Es negribu būt citāds
The fragrance of young burgeons
Loneliness is physical and you are not next to me
I don't want to be different
Baudot Budu
Es saku kā ir
Lietus līst
Enjoying Budha
I am telling as it is
Raindrops are falling
Deviņi Pērkoni
Satverot sauli noriet vējš
Tad labāk zagt neesošas lietas
Nine Thunderers
Having cathed the sun the wind sets
It is better then to steal non-existing things
Rīta vairs nebija
Bij iestājies pārspīlēts kontrasts
Saule aust
The morning was no longer there
Hyperbolic contrast appeared
The sun is rising
Gribu būt atklāts
Pat ieraugot mežus tā saprot
Es ceru, ka krāsas nekad nebeigsies
I want to be honest
Even seeing forests she understands
I hope, that we will never run out of colors
Zibens uzplaiksnījums
Es domāju citādi
Zīle nav kastanis
The flicker of the lightning
My way of thinking is different
Titmouse is not a chestnut
Kad ielīdu alā
Sirds pilna mūzikas
Mīli mani šeit
When I crawled into a cave
My heart was filled with music
Love me here
Dziļi sirdī jūtu
Es zinu, man nebeigsies degviela
Horizonts ir pazudis
Deep inside my heart I have a feeling
I know, I will not run out of the fuel
Horizon has dissapeared
Lapsa skrien
Es eju un satieku sauli
Laiks ir ilūzija
A fox is running
I am walking and meeting the sun
Time is illusion
Aizpogā sajūtu vējjaku
Zem asfalta dzīvo pilsēta
Visapkārt bērni
Button up the blazer of feelings
Under the asphalt is living a city
Children all around
Viegli dusot spilvens spiež
Jūra ir galējais punkts
Saplīsušas kedas
Gently sleeping pillow hurts
Sea is the uttermost point
Bursted sneakers
Nodomāju klusi
Kā vējā gramafons
Citi ir dzimuši mūžīgai naktij
I was thinking quietly
Just like a gramophone in the wind
Some of us are born for the eternal night
Ierados pirms pusnakts
Manas acis Tavu esamību skauj
Atkal aizdomājos
I arrived before the midnight
My eyes are embracing your existence
I am walking in my thoughts again
And many more...
Sorry for my English, but it is so hard to find the right words in another language for these vibes in Latvian.
ulla - these are amazing!!!
thanks for sharing - your translations are really wonderful :)
yeah, I am just amazed of the spirit that we all shared in that night and the beauty of every living soul
Damn I was going to buy a new Hummer in late 2012 and drive around the country for a vacation, Now I am going to have to shave my head and join the Hari.s, Muslims, Jews, Jehovah s, Mormons, Christians, and a few other wing nut groups just to cover all my bases.
[/url] - some truth about 2012
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