So much willing to protect myself from the possibility of crashing down I haven't been really able to fly. To notice and enjoy..
Last week reading my diary which I used to write being in Asia I found a quotation from somewhere which says: "You carry in your heart a happiness, that nothing from outside of you can put there and nothing can take away!" and it had a power to hit me quite strongly. So easy is to fall back to the same reality I have lived before even after one year of Asia and 9 month of AfL. I am still learning to see what I have always had and not to run around the World to return and discover, that it has always been here...
My time has been too stresful with working and being busy, not allowing myself just to do nothing, but there always comes a moment, which shows you clearly when you need to stop.
This time reminded me again how amazing friends I have and how wonderful is the World around me, if I only allow it to be wonderful:)
I spent just a moment of Nothingness outside all the inhabited places to find again the joy and fulfillment of life understanding again and again, that everything starts from our mind. In life everything is simple. . The starry nights on the riverside, bonfire, sleeping in tent and staying warm, laughing all night long. Playing guitar and singing the songs from my childhood... Having cake with candles and only forest around...
Life is full of joy!

The beautiful photos in black and white by Valdis.